3 Ways Composting Prevents Climate Change

by | Jan 18, 2023 | Composting, Global Sustainability, Greenery, Sustainable Garden

How does composting prevent climate change?

Many people may assume that the food they didn’t eat just naturally biodegrades on its own without harming the enviornment, unlike regular material waste. However, there is a lot to know about how excess food waste produces greenhouse gases that affect climate change.

You may be surprised to know that composting can turn otherwise spoiled and rotting food into nutrient-rich soil that helps curb global climate change. This article will explain how composting is good for our environment and helps combat global climate change.

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Composting Reduces Greenhouse Gases

Materials, such as food and other waste, that end up in landfills break down into a greenhouse gas called Methane. Composting food waste – instead of letting it decay in solid waste – prevents it.

Composting Helps Plants Absorb Greenhouse Gases

Compost helps to remove additional emissions through higher nutrient-dense soil that promotes essential plant growth. Healthy plants utilize carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. Plants also use Carbon Dioxide for growth and respiration – or when it breaks down sugars for energy.

Composting Helps Reduce the Current Effects of Climate Change

Compost helps to play an essential role in soil erosion during extreme weather conditions and in containing water during droughts- both of which occur around the world at higher rates.


Good on you if you are thinking about starting a home composting collection! Composting is one crucial way to help slow global climate change. Composting prevents climate change by:

  • Reducing Methane: a potent greenhouse gas
  • Creating nutrient-rich soil for healthier plants that use carbon dioxide (another greenhouse gas) for photosynthesis
  • Helping to prevent soil erosion during extreme storms and droughts.

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